Learnerships for Bcom Accounting

Learnerships for Bcom Accounting

Learnerships for Bcom Accounting

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Learnerships for Bcom Accounting | Accounting is known as business language as it includes all financial aspects. It is the measurement and processing of a business’s financial information and has been around for centuries. Learnerships for Bcom Accounting offer career options such as taxation, financial management, financial accounting, auditing, economics, wealth creation and management and more. With accounting learnerships, one can enter a wide world of numbers as all businesses, organizations, governments, firms, and people have a need for people in this field.

Available Learnerships for Bcom Accounting

There are a couple of career paths for candidates to consider in this field. Below we have listed some but there may be other learnerships in this field also available.

Possible Career paths with Learnerships for Bcom Accounting:

  • Risk Management
  • Accountant
  • Financial Manager
  • Economist
  • Internal Auditor
  • Financial Analyst
  • Wealth Management

Companies offering learnerships for Bcom Accounting

Bcom Accounting Learnerships: Requirements

Every company or organization that offers learnerships in this field will have their own list of requirements that have to be met by candidates to qualify to apply. We have compiled a list of some of the basic stipulations these companies have shared as a guideline.

  • Basic stipulations may comprise these and more:
  • Must be a citizen of South Africa with a current ID book or card
  • You must hold a valid South African Matric certificate
  • Must not have a permanent work
  • Applicants must have a diploma or degree in the field of application
  • Must have a solid command of the English language
  • You must be computer literate
See also  CATHSSETA Learnerships

Most learnership programs run for a 12 or 24-month period. Some companies only offer a 6-month learnership and others may extend their program to 36 months. The terms of the learnership will be discussed with the qualifying candidates.

How to apply for Bcom Accounting Learnerships

Accounting learnership application online can be found on the website of the company offering the learnership. If they do not offer an online application process they will supply information on how to get an application and apply. Candidates must remember to sign the application, complete it in full and provide current contact detail. You must also be sure to attach all certified copies of any required documentation.

Most companies will reply within a month after the closing date. Some may only reply in two or three months, this will also be stated on the learnership information. Candidates who apply and do not receive a reply in the set time can assume their application did not make the cut and was unsuccessful.


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Afrox Learnerships

Agriculture Learnerships

Aurecon Learnerships

Anglo-American Learnerships Programme

Amathuba Learnerships

Avusa Learnerships Programme

ArcelorMittal Learnerships

BANKSETA Learnerships Programme

Barloworld Learnerships

BBE Learnerships

BHP Billiton Learnerships

BMW Learnerships Programme

Bytes Learnerships Programme

CETA Learnerships

Coca Cola Learnerships

Coega Learnerships

Correctional Services Learnership Programme

Customer Service Learnership

De Beer Learnerships

Department of Tourism Learnerships

DHL Learnerships

Discovery Learnerships Programme

Edcon Learnerships

Engen Learnerships

Ekurhuleni Metro Police Learnerships

Eskom Learnership Programme

Ernst And Young Learnerships

Exxaro Learnerships

FNB First National Bank Learnerships

Gijima Learnerships

Glencore Xstrata Learnerships

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Gold Fields Learnerships

Government Learnerships

Harmony Gold Learnerships

IBM Learnerships

Implants Impala Platinum Learnerships

INSETA Learnership Programme

Kelly Learnerships

KPMG Learnerships

Kuyasa Learnership Programme

Lancet Learnerships

Letsema Learnership

Liberty Learnerships

Lonmin Learnerships

Medi Clinic Learnerships

Merseta Learnerships

Microsoft Learnerships

Mintek Learnerships

Momentum Learnerships

MTN Learnerships

MQA Learnership Programme

Murray & Roberts Learnerships

Multichoice Learnerships

NAMPAK Learnerships

National Treasury Learnerships

Nedbank Learnership

Netcare Learnerships

NYDA National Youth Development Agency Learnerships

Petra Diamonds Learnerships

Protea Chemicals Learnerships

Rand Water Learnership

Rand Water Learnerships

SAB Miller Learnerships

SABC Learnerships

Samancor Learnerships

Sandvik Learnerships

Sappi Learnerships

Standard Bank Learnerships

SA Reserve Bank Learnerships

Sasol Learnerships Programme

SASSETA Learnerships

SETA Learnerships

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South African Police Service (SAPS) Learnerships

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Telkom Learnership Programme

Transnet Freigt Rail Learnerships

Toyota Learnership Programme

Transnet Learnership Programme

UTI Learnership Programme

Unilever Learnerships

Vodacom Learnership Programme

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